GENERALIZATION – DETAIL Select the answer that most applies to you.Name* First Last 1. I think of myself as someone who can easily…* a. Generalize b. Notice details 2. I like to…* a. See the big picture b. Work out the particulars 3. When faced with a new project I need to…* a. Have a sense of the end result. b. Know what the project is comprised of. 4. I work best by…* a. Getting an overview first. b. Determining the specifics. 5. When presented with a new idea I tend to…* a. Move right to conclusions b. Need to gather more information 6. Overall I tend to be more…* a. Open to the broad range of possibilities. b. Practical about what can be done. 7. When I have to get things done, I tend to…* a. Get a general sense of all that needs doing b. Make a detailed list of what needs to be done 8. I like a …* a. Broad, elevated view of any situation b. Linear view of what needs to be done 9. When learning I prefer…* a. New concepts and ideas. b. Specific skills or tasks This field is hidden when viewing the form1aThis field is hidden when viewing the form1bThis field is hidden when viewing the form2aThis field is hidden when viewing the form2bThis field is hidden when viewing the form3aThis field is hidden when viewing the form3bThis field is hidden when viewing the form4aThis field is hidden when viewing the form4bThis field is hidden when viewing the form5aThis field is hidden when viewing the form5bThis field is hidden when viewing the form6aThis field is hidden when viewing the form6bThis field is hidden when viewing the form7aThis field is hidden when viewing the form7bThis field is hidden when viewing the form8aThis field is hidden when viewing the form8bThis field is hidden when viewing the form9aThis field is hidden when viewing the form9b Total As and BsA ... Generalizations (Big Picture)B ... Details