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Online MindBridge NLP Coach Certification Training

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  1. Managers as Coaches
  2. 1 - Introduction to Professional Life Coaching and NLP
    8 Topics
  3. 2 - Fundamentals of Influential Communication
    5 Topics
  4. 3 - a. Characteristics of Excellence in Communication
    2 Topics
  5. 4 - a. Identifying Thinking Styles
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  6. 4 - b. Rapport
  7. 5 - a. Values Clarification
  8. 3 - b. Submodalities
  9. 7 - a. Power of Questions
  10. 6 - a. Anchoring Techniques
    2 Topics
  11. 7 - Clarifying Communication
    5 Topics
  12. 7 - b. Intake- Initial Pre-Coach Session
  13. 8 - Criteria
    3 Topics
  14. 8 - a. Perceptual Flexibility - Perceptual Position Quiz
    3 Topics
  15. 8 - b. Well-Formed Outcomes
    3 Topics
  16. 9 - 3 NLP Techniques Demonstrations
  17. 10 - Identifying Mind Maps
  18. 10- a. Meta Program Psychometric Quizzes
  19. 10 - b. Key Meta Program Patterns Explained
    7 Topics
  20. 10 - c. NLP Coach Session Demonstration
  21. 10 - d. Evaluation Forms -Outcome Coach Session
  22. 10 - e. Evaluation Video of NLP Coaching Demonstration
  23. 11 - NLP Coaching Sessions
    2 Topics
  24. 11 - a. Evaluation of Demo - Categories of Experience
  25. 11 - b. Directionalizing the Session
  26. 12 - Insights and Just for the fun of it!
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

• Developing accurate ‘People-Reading’ skills

• Utilizing precise influence & motivational language

• Producing result-oriented communication

Learn How NLP Gets Results

NLP is the art and science of effective and influential communication

There is little doubt that communication plays a vital role in human life. It not only helps to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also helps people to develop relationships with others. Therefore, the importance of communication cannot be underestimated.

Effective communication sounds like it should be instinctive, but all too often when we try to communicate with others something goes astray. For many of us communicating more clearly and effectively requires learning some important skills.

Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many aspects of life. Many jobs require strong communication skills. People with good communication skills also usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family.

Effective communication is therefore a key interpersonal skill, and learning how to improve your communication has many benefits. However, many people find it difficult to know where to start.

There are generally four main areas of communication skills that most of us would do well to improve. These are listening, non-verbal communication, emotional awareness and management, and artful questioning.

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) focuses on helping you develop these essential skills.

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After you have posted your comment hit the Mark Complete Button and move on to the next lesson.
