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Online MindBridge NLP Coach Certification Training

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  1. Managers as Coaches
  2. 1 - Introduction to NLP and Professional Life Coaching
    8 Topics
  3. 2 - Fundamentals of Influential Communication
    5 Topics
  4. 3 - Characteristics of Excellence in Communication
    2 Topics
  5. 4 - a. Identifying Thinking Styles
    1 Topic
    1 Quiz
  6. 4 - b. Rapport
  7. 5 - a. Values Clarification
  8. 5 - b. Submodalities
  9. 7 - a. Power of Questions
  10. 6 - a. Anchoring Techniques
    2 Topics
  11. 7 - Clarifying Communication
    5 Topics
  12. 7 - b. Intake- Initial Pre-Coach Session
  13. 8 - Criteria
    3 Topics
  14. 8 - a. Perceptual Flexibility - Perceptual Position Quiz
    3 Topics
  15. 8 - b Well Formed Outcomes
    3 Topics
  16. 9 - 3 NLP Techniques Demonstrations
  17. 10 - Identifying Mind Maps
  18. 10- a. Meta Program Psychometric Quizzes
  19. 10 - b. Key Meta Program Patterns Explained
    7 Topics
  20. 10 - c. NLP Coach Session Demonstration
  21. 10 - d. Evaluation Forms -Outcome Coach Session
  22. 10 - e. Evaluation Video of NLP Coaching Demonstration
  23. 11 - NLP Coaching Sessions
    2 Topics
  24. 11 - a. Evaluation of Demo - Categories of Experience
  25. 11 - b. Directionalizing the Session
  26. 12 - Insights and Just for the fun of it!
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The Meta Model distinctions fall into three natural groupings:

  1. Gathering Information – for Recovering Deletions
  2. Ill-Formed Statements – for Re-evaluating Distortions
  3. Limits of the Speaker’s World Model – for Clarifying Generalizations

Gathering Information refers to gaining, through appropriate questions and responses, an accurate and full description of the content being presented.  This process assists in asking specific questions to reconnect the speaker’s language with his or her experience. 

There are five sub-distinctions in this category (Deletions):

  • Simple Deletions
  • Comparative Deletions
  • Unspecified References–Vague Subjects
  • Unspecified Verb–Vague Actions
  • Abstractions (Nominalizations)

Ill-formed Statements make up the second group of distinctions.  The value of recognizing semantically ill-formed sentences is that you are able to assist the person in identifying the portions of their map that are distorted in some way, thus enriching the experiences which are available to them.  By changing those portions of their map which are distorted, a person achieves greater choice and freedom.  It is these distortions which frequently stop the person from acting in ways they would otherwise choose to act. 

The four classes of ill-formed statements (Distortions) are:

  • Cause and Effect
  • Mind Reading 
  • Missing or Lost Evaluator 
  • Complex Meanings (Equivalence)

Limits of the Speaker’s World Model is the next grouping.  These distinctions identify limits and, by challenging them appropriately, you can assist a person in enriching and expanding their model of the world. 

The three distinctions in this category (Generalizations) are:

  • Universal Statements (Also referred to as Universal Quantifiers)
  • Mode of Operating of Necessity (Also referred to as Modal Operator of Necessity)
  • Mode of Operating of Impossibility (Also referred to as Modal Operator of Impossibility)


  1. Breakdown of the Meta Model Category of Distinctions fall into 3 Categories:
    1) Gathering Information – for recovering DELETIONS;
    2) Ill formed statements – Re-evaluating DISTORTIONS;
    3) Limits on the Speaker’s World View – Clarifying GENERALIZATIONS

    1) Gathering Information – There are 5 Sub-Distinctions in the category of DELETIONS:
    1) Simple Deletion,
    2) Comparative Deletions,
    3) Unspecified References – Vague Subjects;
    4) Unspecified Verb – Vague Actions;
    5) Abstractions – Nominalizations

    2) Ill Formed Statements _ Distortions – fall into 4 classes:
    1) Cause & Effect
    2) Mind Reading
    3) Missing or Lost Evaluator
    4) Complex Meaning ( Equivalence )

    3) Limits the Speaker’s World Model – GENERALIZATIONS – there are 3 distinctions in this category:
    1) Universal Statements (Universal Qualifiers)
    2) Mode of Operating Necessity ( Modal Operator of Necessity)
    3) Mode of Operating Impossibility ( Modal Operator of Impossibility)