TOWARD – AWAY FROM Select the answer that most applies to you.Name* First Last 1. When I need to do something unpleasant, I usually…* a. Procrastinate and put it off for a while. b. Realize how good I will feel about getting it done. 2. Regarding starting new activities, I tend to…* a. Avoid participating until I know the consequences. b. Get involved and learn something. 3. When it comes to jobs and relationships...* a. I stay until I can no longer tolerate it. b. I stay until a better opportunity arises. 4. When I take time to relax, I prefer* a. Doing what is familiar. b. Doing something new and interesting. 5. When I am driving in traffic I…* a. Drive the speed limit to avoid getting a ticket. b. Think about what I'm going to do when I get to my destination. 6. When involved with a problem client or colleague…* a. I try to fix the situation. b. I focus on what I want to achieve. 7. When in a social situation…* a. I avoid engaging with new people unless they approach me first. b. I enjoy meeting new people so I seek out people to engage. 8. People sometimes describe me as someone who...* a. Points out potential problems in situations (A devil’s advocate). b. Is always thinking about the possibilities. 9. When I think about my finances, my focus is on…* a. I might be caught short and not have enough. b. I work hard to reach my financial goals. This field is hidden when viewing the form1aThis field is hidden when viewing the form1bThis field is hidden when viewing the form2aThis field is hidden when viewing the form2bThis field is hidden when viewing the form3aThis field is hidden when viewing the form3bThis field is hidden when viewing the form4aThis field is hidden when viewing the form4bThis field is hidden when viewing the form5aThis field is hidden when viewing the form5bThis field is hidden when viewing the form6aThis field is hidden when viewing the form6bThis field is hidden when viewing the form7aThis field is hidden when viewing the form7bThis field is hidden when viewing the form8aThis field is hidden when viewing the form8bThis field is hidden when viewing the form9aThis field is hidden when viewing the form9b Total As and BsA ... Away FromB ... Toward