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MindBridge NLP Coach Certification Training
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1 - Introduction to Professional Life Coaching and NLP8 Topics
2 - Fundamentals of Influential Communication5 Topics
3 - a. Characteristics of Excellence in Communication2 Topics
3 - b. Submodalities
4 - a. Identifying Thinking Styles1 Topic|1 Quiz
4 - b. Rapport
5 - a. Values Clarification
6 - a. Anchoring Techniques2 Topics
Managers as Coaches
7 - Clarifying Communication5 Topics
7 - a. Power of Questions
7 - b. Intake- Initial Pre-Coach Session
8 - Criteria3 Topics
8 - a. Perceptual Flexibility - Perceptual Position Quiz3 Topics
8 - b. Well-Formed Outcomes3 Topics
9 - 3 NLP Techniques Demonstrations
10 - Identifying Mind Maps
10- a. Meta Program Psychometric Quizzes
10 - b. Key Meta Program Patterns Explained7 Topics
10 - c. NLP Coach Session Demonstration
10 - d. Evaluation Forms -Outcome Coach Session
10 - e. Evaluation Video of NLP Coaching Demonstration
11 - NLP Coaching Sessions2 Topics
11 - a. Evaluation of Demo - Categories of Experience
11 - b. Directionalizing the Session
12 - Insights and Just for the fun of it!
Lesson 15,
Topic 1
In Progress
Well Formed Outcome Demonstration – Full Version
Jerry November 24, 2020
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
*Download the Evaluation Form. Print it and fill it out after watching the video. You can go back over the video and pick up anything you may have missed.
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Well-formed Outcome begins with the client defining what they want stated in the positive. The Coach asks clarifying questions to clearly define the context. Sensory terms are used by the client in clarifying what they want. The Coach provides ongoing feedback as to their understanding of the clients situation and what they want. Chunking down is useful in gaining greater detail for understanding the context of this particular situation. Using Deletion comparative the client is able to describe the distinction between what is working and when its not. Identifying outside resources when a similar situation comes up, the client has identified one specifically and others as additional resources. The client has acknowledged the simplification of the “projects” was a resolution that eliminated the overwhelmed sense and the action behind no action – STOP. The simplification strategy was chunking down stages of a large project into many smaller more manageable projects with deadlines. a distinction of projects vs hobbies and how everyday strategies framed hobbies in a different perspective than projects. A different strategy was used.
The coach consistently back tracked as the client went through the process and at times more information was revealed. Bottom line : The client wanted clarity and focus and ability to complete projects – why start a project if you don’t complete it. The client was able to move forward in time with a strategy that will enable her to achieve her outcomes with projects and with hobbies. She conformed this is self-initiated and she is in control of the finishing projects and hobbies. She agreed to accountability both with the coach, Xavier and herself. This shift and outcome is ecological.